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Contributing Factors to Gum Disease ( Periodontal Disease)

Periodontal or gum disease is one of the most common and potentially devastating oral disease. There are several types of periodontal disease. All are started by a bacterial infection that destroys the gums, bone, and ligaments supporting the teeth. 

Periodontal disease progresses silently, often without pain or overt symptoms that would alert you to its presence. It may develop slowly or progress quite rapidly.
The main cause of gum disease is plaque, but other factors affect the health of your gums

Inadequate Oral Hygiene

Periodontal disease occurs when bacteria begin infecting the gums and surrounding tissues. missing daily brushing and flossing allows the bacteria to form a sticky network of plaque. Eventually, bacteria can create an infection in the gums and underlying bone structure, causing periodontal disease. Poor nutrition can also be a risk factor for gum disease.

Smoking and Tobacco Use 

Not only are tobacco products hazardous to your lungs and other parts of your body, smokers are also at a higher risk for periodontal disease. Smoking lowers your immune system and makes you more susceptible to the infections that cause periodontal disease. The stains that accumulate because of smoking also increase plaque accumulation. Smoking also dries out your mouth, which reduces the saliva your mouth needs to remove bacteria.


Female hormones affect the gums and can exacerbate existing gingivitis. Many women find that the hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause or worsen gum disease. The disease often begins around the second month and peaks around the eighth month, though it usually abates in the months after birth.


Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your oral health. Just as you notify your pharmacist and other health care providers of all medicines you are taking and any changes in your overall health, you should also inform your dental care provider.


Approximately 30% of the population has a genetic predisposition for gum disease. Studies also show that children with parents with periodontal disease are 12 times more likely to have the bacteria that cause plaque build-up and gum disease.


Stress is linked to many serious conditions such as hypertension, cancer, and numerous other health problems. Stress also is a risk factor for periodontal disease. Research demonstrates that stress can make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection, including gum disease

Clenching or Grinding your Teeth

Clenching or grinding your teeth can put excess force on the supporting tissues of the teeth and could speed up the rate at which these periodontal tissues are destroyed.

Other Contributing Factors

while bacteria growth is the main cause of periodontal disease, other periodontal disease risk factors include:

  • Age Risk
  • Poor Nutrition and obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Systemic diseases
  • Vitamin deficiencies

Reduce your risk of periodontal disease by practicing healthy oral hygiene habits and scheduling regular dental appointments for full assessment of your teeth and gums.


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