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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Mouth - Body Connection

Let’s face it. Most of us take our teeth for granted. Sure, we brush and floss (well, some of the time). And we know, of course, that teeth are essential for chewing our food and for maintaining a beautiful smile. But when we get a cavity – or even when we are diagnosed with gum disease that might culminate in tooth loss – we rarely think of these problems as posing permanent risks to our general health and vitality. We simply don’t place the same importance on our dental health as we do on, say, the health of our vital organs. After all, the mouth is the domain of the dentist; the body, the domain of the doctor. But that perspective is changing. Recent research provides convincing evidence that oral health and overall health are inextricably linked –what’s good for our mouth is also good for the rest of the body that we work so hard to keep fit and healthy. Dentists increasingly screen for systemic diseases, which involve many organs or the whole body, through tongue ...

Mercury is Extremely Toxic and Commonly Used in Dental Fillings… Protect Yourself

In spite of the fact that mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth, over 75% of dentists in UK are still using mercury amalgam restorations in teeth. Amalgam fillings are made of four different metals: silver, copper, tin and mercury that binds them all together. They have been used for more than 150 years and it is in the past 15 to 20 years that the problems with mercury amalgams have come to light. Symptoms associated with mercury toxicity include fatigue, migraine, tremors, inability to concentrate, memory loss, mood swings, anxiety, immune suppression and autoimmune disorders, significant skin problems, seizures, and other neurological problems. Dentists have been educated to believe that once mercury has been combined into the filling material, it remains "locked in" and can't leak out; nevertheless the fact is that there is absolutely no scientific research in existence to support this hypothesis. To the contrary, all clinical evidence indi...